Seriously have been picking away at this since 2008 when i worked in Gastown at Irezumi Tattoo with Jamie. got the original idea back then, sketched it. lt it sit for a long time. Looked at it and revised small things at another shop i worked at after that. The started at Eastside Tattoo Parlour, and finally did a final outline on watercolour paper. sat on it for oh say about 6 months now. Painted about half of it a few weeks ago, and finished it today!!! Been to busy to give it the tim eit needed. But had a slow week so i took advantage of it. Now im right back at it, so i hope i can still squeeze in time to do more things like this. I got a cool owl in the works. same size. Im doing it for an art show im hopeing to get into. Called "The Cheaper Show". Its pretty awesome, lots of amazing artists sell there art for one basic equal price. So fingers crossed for now, but may aswell get an early start considering how long it took me to do this.
p.s. more tattoos soon, got lots on the go. so make sure to check back!