time to do some painting or something. Thankfully my good pal Kevin; who got the Hand and Compass piece, aswell as the Jackalope, came in to fill up some of my time and we wernt sure what to do at first. Ponderd about doing a wolf with a cut off hand wearing a cloak, but after some more thought we decied that would make a much cooler rib piece, hopefully to be done in the future.
I had this painting lying around, unfinished but close enough. I hadn't had the time latley to finish some art, but the second he saw it a week ago he was really into it.
So it was an obvious choice to add on to the rest of his arm. Matched up perfectly with the rest of his work we had done, so all around I'm very pleased with how it turned out, and now we have a much more epic piece to be done in the future!
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